Hub of Construction

Advancing the construction industry in Edmonton means bringing stakeholders together to build strong relationships and work out common-good solutions. Contractors, trades, designers, engineers, suppliers, owners, and service providers. Everybody together in one place – speaking to one other – building the relationships and solutions that lead to exceptional construction. That’s what we mean when we describe ECA as the Hub of Construction Excellence.
ECA Infrastructure Forums and Breakfasts, Meet and Greets, meetings with public and private owners, cooperation with BuildWorks and partner industry associations, and the YBG group are just a few of the ways that ECA works on your behalf to support the face-to-face relationships that are key to a vibrant future for construction in Alberta.
As an ECA member, you are also a member of the Alberta Construction Association (ACA) and the Canadian Construction Association (CCA). As such, your business interests are advanced locally, provincially, and nationally as we work with all levels of government. We have highly engaged relationships with Alberta Infrastructure, City of Edmonton, regional municipalities, the University of Alberta, school boards, Defense Construction Canada, and all publicly-tendered construction authorities.
We also work closely with all construction stakeholder groups and associations, including the Alberta Association of Architects (AAA), Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta (APEGA), Consulting Architects of Alberta (CAA), Consulting Engineers of Alberta (CEA), Alberta Roadbuilders & Heavy Construction Association (ARHCA), BOMA (Building Owners and Managers Association), NAIOP, and over 40 trade associations.